Microsoft’s search engine Bing has reportedly lifted the waitlist for its new interface powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4 technology. While the landing page still displays a “Join the Waitlist” button, users can sign in and access the new Bing interface instantly. However, not all email IDs tested gained instant access. Microsoft, which is a major investor in OpenAI, said it is running various experiments to onboard more users and that the preview period remains ongoing. The company is expected to announce more news related to Bing during its “reinvent productivity with AI” event.
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Bing’s new interface, powered by OpenAI’s technology, has proven popular, with Bing reporting 100 million daily active users. Microsoft has been integrating the AI-powered chatbot into many of its services, including Windows 11’s taskbar and the Edge browser’s stable version. After some users were able to make the chatbot say problematic things, Microsoft introduced various restrictions on conversations, including a 15-turn limit and 150 messages per day.