The Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Digital Economy, Eliud Owalo, launched two Jitume Kazi labs in Vihiga County on Friday. The labs are part of an initiative to provide young people with access to computers and the internet. The two labs, located at Friends College Kaimosi and Sabatia Technical and Vocational College, were launched with 100 computers each donated by the government in collaboration with Konza Technopolis and the ICT Authority.
During the launch, Owalo urged the youth to embrace technology and become self-employed by working online since there are not enough white-collar jobs. The initiative aims to eradicate youth unemployment and Owalo challenged beneficiaries of the Jitume Kazi programme to leverage the opportunity. He advised them to use the money they earn to purchase their own digital gadgets, which they can use to access online jobs from home.
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Owalo said that the government has established 100,000 kilometers of fiber optic cables across the country, making it easier for citizens to access the internet. He added that the Jitume Kazi labs will not only be used to train the youth but also ensure that they earn as they learn.
“I urge you to take advantage of these digital labs and the ICT hubs so that you learn technical skills, which will enable you to earn as you learn”, reiterated Owalo.
The government has set a target of establishing 1,450 ICT hubs across the country, in all the wards and 25,000 free Wi-Fi hotspots to ensure easy access to the internet and digital skills training. The government also plans to come up with companies that can assemble cheap smartphones and laptops that can be used by citizens, especially youth and women in rural areas, to access the internet.