The social network formerly known as Twitter, now called X, has updated its privacy policy to include the collection of a new type of user data. However, does not provide a clear definition of what it considers to be biometric data, although other companies have used this term to refer to data obtained from a person’s face, eyes, and fingerprints.
“Based on your consent, we may collect and use your biometric information for safety, security and identification purposes,” the company said in its new policy. X doesn’t define what it considers biometric, though other companies have used the term to describe data gleaned from a person’s face, eyes and fingerprints.
A representative from X based in San Francisco, did not respond immediately to a request for comment.
Social media companies have faced criticism from users and regulators around the world regarding the information they collect and how they utilize it including the sale of personalized advertising based on a person’s interests and search history.
Elon Musk, who acquired Twitter last year, has expressed his priority of eliminating fake the site accounts on the platform and encouraging users to opt for a service that requires a monthly payment of $8 and provides a blue checkmark.
X has also stated its intentions to gather information about users’ employment and educational background.