Popular messaging platform Telegram has successfully raised $330 million through bond sales, according to its founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, who announced the achievement on his own Telegram channel.
“The increased demand for our bonds shows that global financial institutions value Telegram’s growth in audience and monetisation,” Durov remarked, noting the strong investor interest in Telegram’s future prospects.
In a recent interview with the Financial Times, Durov expressed the company’s aspiration to achieve profitability in 2025 as it moves closer to a potential stock market listing. Speaking on Telegram’s determination to compete with major players in the market, Durov further stated that the bond sale will strengthen the company’s “position as an independent platform that is able to challenge the ‘Goliaths’ of our industry.”
Since its inception in 2013, Telegram has grown very popular due to its wide array of user-friendly features that allow users to not only interact with friends, but also follow channels that provide information on their interests.